Tape Pulling Party

One, little, itty, bitty, piece, at, a, time.  If you came to help pull tape off the gym floor last week that first sentence really hits close to home.  For those of you who weren’t able to make it, read it again, as haltingly as you can, and you’ll get an idea of what it was like this past Sunday at our first (and hopefully only) tape pulling party.  To say that this event was a success would be an understatement.  The gym floor is once again a wide open playground where we can WOD together, give a friend a fist bump and participate in a more inclusive class experience.  

We are SO grateful for the time and hard work that you offered to help improve our special little space we call home.  According to my calculations (always wanted to use that phrase) we had approximately 30 people helping at peak attendance and the process took 3 hours.  At that rate it would have taken Amy, Faisal, Josh, Melissa and I 18+ hours of work!  So, what we’re trying to say is, thank you.  Thank you for helping, thank you for bringing your families to help and thank you for spending time with us on your hands and knees doing work that only a community can accomplish together.  You all rock and the gym wouldn’t be what it is without you.

With Helping Hands of Love,



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