Physical Therapy with Dr. Nicole Haas
For same day or last-minute appointments, please contact Dr. Haas directly at:
(720) 722-4056 (text friendly)
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What Does Dr. Haas Treat with Physical Therapy?
Pretty much everything, and she uses her 20+ years of injury, regardless of their sport, skill level or condition. She offers the following:
Manual Orthopedic Physical Therapy (Board Certified Specialist)
Sport-Specific Assessment & Home Exercise Development
Women’s Health & Pregnancy Care and Rehabilitation (core weakness, low back pain, etc.)
Integration of yoga/return to practice from injury
Whether you have a new injury or whether you find that you’re having chronic trouble with the same shoulder, elbow, knee, etc., Dr. Haas can help. Physical therapy, biomechanical analysis, neuromuscular re-education and functional exercises can do wonders for re-establishing balance to lead toward better performance and a lowered chance of injury or pain.
Dr. Nicole Haas
Nicole truly cares about your experience in physical therapy and your ability to achieve your goals, and strives to ensure that each and every patient feels cared for and supported. She is a board certified orthopedic clinical specialist with a doctorate in physical therapy who has been practicing for more than 20 years, and is a certified yoga teacher as well.
She is dedicated to helping the community understand the tipping point between health and injury, and to promoting understanding of the biomechanics of movement patterns that allow the body to participate in a balanced life.
For same day or last-minute appointments, contact Dr. Haas directly at or (720) 722-4056 (text friendly).
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