Survey Results are in


Thank you for taking the time to respond to our survey!

We received over 500 specific comments from over 100 members… and we read every word and learned a ton. 


Here are the top 10 actions that we are taking as a result of your input:

  1. Beginning March 28th, we will offer 3 weekly Endurance included in your membership (M & W at 11a and Sat 9a). This will be on the schedule through the end of May but we may extend based on attendance. We also have 3 weekly Strength classes (Tu & Th at 6:15p and Sun at 11a).

  2. We will offer more specialty clinics, beginning with a 5-week gymnastics clinic starting April 24th at 12:30p.

  3. After spring break and beginning April 1, we will be adding more secondary coaches to our most popular class times.

  4. We will begin developing and sharing specific monthly programming themes.   

  5. We will be introducing more community-building opportunities during the daily workouts. This will include more partner workouts and warm-ups, more “question of the day” sessions, and more time devoted to mobilizing together post-workout.

  6. We are creating a personalized Coach Development Plan for each of our coaches, based on your feedback and our own assessments.  Each coach will be held accountable for progressing against their plan, which will focus on specific skills in the four areas of coaching that are most important to you (teaching movements, high-energy engagement, class management and 1:1 rapport).  

  7. We are improving the consistency of our coaching by assigning internal thought-leaders for specific focus areas.  For example, Zac Chavez (who is a nationally-ranked Olympic lifter) will be developing and teaching the methodology that all Sanitas coaches will use to instruct olympic lifting going forwards.

  8. We are holding a strategy offsite for this Sanitas coaching team to align around goals for the gym in 2022 and beyond.  Our #1 priority is a world-class experience for our members.

  9. We have added 90 minutes of bi-weekly coach development for our coaches to learn from each other and outside experts.  We’ll be looking for member volunteers for these sessions, so stay-tuned on Instagram for those announcements. One week’s theme might be how to engage with new members, another might be teaching the handstand push-up progression, and another might be how to manage large classes.

  10. Eric, who is spending more time on Sanitas now that he has moved from the CEO to the Chairman role at CrossFit HQ, is now holding weekly 1:1 mentoring sessions with GC and Josh to help them grow as leaders. 


The vast majority of Sanitas members are highly satisfied…

Sanitas achieved a 56 Net Promoter Score, which is the standard for measuring customer satisfaction.  This puts us in the excellent range, above brands like Apple (47) and Toyota (33).

…yet there is clear room for improvement.

While 2/3s of you rated us a 9 or 10, one-third of you did not.  Our goal is to earn a world-class rating of 70+ next time, which would put us in the company of brands like Costco (79) and Starbucks (77).  We have work to do, and your feedback is helping point the way forwards!

We are a diverse community…

  • 20% of our members have been with us for under 3 months, 10% for over 6 years, and roughly 23% in each bucket of 3-12 months, 1-3 years and 3-5 years.

  • We have roughly equal numbers of men and women.

  • 33% of members are under the age of 30, 22% are over the age of 50, and 46% are in-between.

With diverse views…

  • Each coach was picked as “favorite coach” by at least 10% of members.

  • There are wildly different views of what we do well and what we need to improve on (from community to coaching to facility). 

Yet we have shared goals…

  • Losing body fat and increasing strength are each prioritized by 60% of members.

  • 35% of members prioritize mobility and 35% prioritize skill building.

And a clear view of what we want to see from Sanitas

  • World-Class coaching quality

  • More consistency between coaches

  • A great community

  • To be seen and appreciated as individuals

It is crystal clear what makes a great coach
A great coach must do 4 things:

  • Teach movements well, 

  • Maintain high-energy engagement,

  • Manage the class well (including timing, spacing, and music) 

  • Establish 1:1 rapport (knowing your name, knowing your goals, caring about you)

  • There were 270 specific positive comments for our coaches

 And equally clear what Sanitas can do better…

  • We received 135 individual suggestions for improvement that we have analyzed, categorized and shared with each coach (anonymized, of course).  These will factor directly into their Coach Development Plans, as discussed above.

Thank you again for the time you invested in the survey!


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