Rest. You’re Probably Not Getting Enough…

We all love to push our limits, test ourselves, and get a good workout in. It’s fun. It yields results. Working out is sexy. But you know what else is sexy?


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Working Out Is A Stressor on the Body (and Mind)

Even though working out is beneficial in terms of cardiovascular health, metabolic health, and aesthetics, it is still a stressor to our bodies both physically and mentally. Performing high-intensity workouts and weightlifting is taxing on the Central Nervous System, and your muscles are constantly being broken down while you work out. Your muscles need a chance to regrow and repair, and that chance comes during rest. Not the 6 hours overnight before you come back to the gym, but a real day of rest.

Why Should I Take a Rest Day?

It’s okay to take a rest day. You won’t lose your “gains” by taking a day or two off. In fact, you will do better for your body by taking a rest day than if you were to put it through another workout. Your body can only go so long before it starts to rebel against you. Maybe recently you can’t fall asleep at night, you have nagging pains that won’t go away, you feel lethargic, your strength numbers seem low, the list could go on — but what that most likely means is that it’s time for a rest day (or two).

Recovery (a.k.a. a Rest Day) is the only possible way to restore muscle tissue breakdown, which will in turn make you stronger. Read that again. Resting will make you stronger.

Not only will resting benefit your body, but it will also benefit your mind. Neuromuscular fatigue can last for several days and affect your workouts for days after so be smart and treat your body well.

How Many Rest Days Should I Take?

There isn’t a magic number for rest days, but a good place to start is having 2 days during the week dedicated towards rest and recovery. Not only will these days keep you feeling better physically, but they will allow you to feel mentally restored and fresh. One of these days could be an Active Rest Day, while the other should be a full Rest Day.

What’s an Active Rest Day versus a Rest Day?

An Active Rest Day is a day in which you partake in a lower-intensity activity, geared more towards general movement. Some great Active Rest Day ideas:

  • Easy hike

  • Easy bike ride

  • Easy swim

  • Yoga

  • Mobility Class

  • 30-40min walk

A full Rest Day is a real day of rest. If you know that on weekends you have time to relax and enjoy a good book or movie, plan on having your rest day be on a weekend. Spend some time meditating, enjoy the company of friends and family, perhaps enjoy a glass of wine! Spend this day relaxing.

Did you know our unlimited membership offers free yoga at the Little Yoga Studio as well?


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The Fall Health Challenge Begins Oct. 5th