Member Survey Results

You Spoke, We Listened!

Thanks so much for your thoughtful feedback to our winter survey.   We received nearly 100 responses, and we learned a great deal about what you love most, and what we can do better.  As a result, you will see meaningful improvements in your Sanitas experience.  And we have also shared your detailed, anonymous feedback with our coaches so that each of them can continue to up their own games. 

First a few words about our membership.  Diversity is the overriding theme.  The Sanitas community represents roughly equal cohorts by gender, by age group (20+, 30+, 40+, 50+) and by tenure (<1, yr, 1+, 3+, 6+).   Our community has the most people of color in our 10 year history.  And our community has a diverse set of goals, with Increased Strength closely followed by Less Fat, Better Mobility, and Improved Skills.

This diversity is honored in your overriding sentiment that community, along with coaching, is the best thing about Sanitas.  The workouts, the programming, and the space itself also received multiple mentions.  Overall you were a 9 out of 10 on your likelihood to recommend Sanitas to friends (while that's good, we’re going to work hard to earn a  9.5 in the next survey!)

Your feedback on where we can improve was both humbling and enlightening.  Here are the key themes and the work we are doing to address: 

1)    You want older equipment to be replaced

We have invested thousands of dollars upgrading all the air bikes and ab mats,  and have replaced the damaged dumbbells (including adding some additional 40s) and most of the loose plates.  We are also having all the rowers serviced.

2)    You want to see some specific modifications to the programming

Overall, you love the programming (85% of you said the programming was just right) but have some specific requests to make it better.  Beginning immediately, whenever the main workout is shorter, we will program in additional work (be it skill, strength, or cardio) that will be consistent from class to class each day.  In addition, we will do a better job of consistently providing mobilization for the last 10 minutes of class, and our coaches will continue to improve their mobilization instruction.

3)    You want a cleaner gym

By mid-March you will see significant improvements in the frequency and depth of the cleaning.  This will include both the main gym area and the bathrooms. Please notify us proactively if you see things amiss, and we’ll get right on them.  Also, we’ll be reaching out shortly for volunteers to help us with our annual “floor sealing” day...

4)    You want the cold plunge back in service…drumroll please…

THE COLD PLUNGE IS UP AND RUNNING! In next months newsletter we'll feature an article on cold plunge benefits.  And with the sauna and cold plunge in service at once, we now offer you some great options for contrast therapy.

5)    You want more community events and more workshops/clinics

In our next newsletter we will share our calendar for the remainder of the year, with specific events programmed, as suggested by your survey responses. Events will include in-gym clinics on the movements you want to improve on the most, as well as in-gym and out of gym social events. And if you would like to lead an event, we would love to hear about it! Please email


2023 CrossFit Open Photo Album


Rowing Clinic Recap