Member Spotlight: Jackson Carter

Can you tell us about yourself? Hometown, where you work, important people in your life, how you enjoy spending your free time etc. 

I was born in Boulder, CO, spent a few years away during high school and came back for college and flight training. I can’t seem to leave Boulder for long. I am close with my family (mother, father and one brother). Most of my free time is spent outside doing fun things, like hiking, skiing, and adventuring in general.

How long have you been doing CrossFit and what's your background in sport/fitness/movement prior to that?

Been doing CrossFit 1.5ish years. Prior to joining Sanitas I was a CrossVirgin. The first few times were hard, but now I enjoy it. Before CrossFit, I was a huge climber, I competed in climbing in High school and continued climbing 5-6 days a week in college. 

What initially interested you about CrossFit?

Honestly I just wanted to lift heavy things and be able to do a muscle up.

You’re an airline pilot, what are some interesting things that you get to see from up there where the air is rarefied?

Snowy peaks, open plains, and sometimes a bird. Let me know when you want to go up!

Do you have any specific fitness goals you are working towards right now?

I’m working towards mostly body weight goals; holding a human flag, holding a handstand, and getting a very reliable muscle up. Fitness is hard.

Who are you inviting to your dinner party and why?

Anyone who brings a positive atmosphere with them. This world is grim and dark or uplifting and inspiring, its up to us what we let into our lives. 

What inspires you about other members in the gym?

Everyone excels in their own way, and everyone supports each other. Every single interaction I’ve had at the gym has been supportive.  GC can push press a car, Tommy can do a million push ups, and I can tie my water bottle to a band and launch it across the room. 

What are your favorite CrossFit movements? Any you can't stand?

Good movements: pull-ups, toes to bar, and dumbbell snatch. Bad movements: wall balls and rowing.

What advice do you have for others who are hesitant to get started?

You can always find a reason not to do something and you can always find a reason to do something. So stop thinking so hard and just try your best. 

What do you like to do when you’re not in the gym?

One of the best parts of the gym is the dog-friendly environment. Its really fun to finish a workout and then sit down with a furry friend.


March, April & May Programming


Member Spotlight: Mary Dineen