Member Spotlight: Mary Dineen

In this months spotlight we chatted with Mary Dineen. Read on to find out why she continues to train, what inspires her about the other members in the gym and how her outlook on training has evolved over time!

Can you tell us about yourself? Hometown, where you work, important people in your life, how you enjoy spending your free time etc. 

I grew up in Minnetonka, Minnesota, attended the University of MN for my undergraduate degree and earned my Master's of Science at Penn State. I recently became semi-retired, as I  worked as a speech language pathologist for the past 30 years. I worked with adults who had neurological changes from a traumatic brain injury, concussion, stroke, brain tumor or dementia. I always enjoyed interacting with my clients on a one-to-one basis. I'm now doing property management and getting good at replacing appliances and meeting new tenants :) My wife, Sue and I have been together for 30 years and moved to Boulder County in 1995. We have two "boys", Elliot (23) and Evan (20). I enjoy being out in nature; skiing, hiking, camping, golfing and traveling around the world. 

How old were you when you started training CrossFit and what's your background in sport/fitness/movement prior to that?

I started at CrossFit Sanitas 4 years ago at the age of 54. I've always enjoyed aerobic exercise but wasn't ever too keen on weightlifting. Of course, CrossFit changed that for me. I ran cross country, cross country skied and ran track all through junior high and high school. I never really enjoyed going to the gym. 

What initially interested you about CrossFit?

I bid on a one month membership to CrossFit Sanitas at a local fundraising event and I won! I'd tried other gyms, but never stuck with them as I only worked out by myself. I love the group aspect and the coaches.

How have you stayed engaged with your training over that time?

I've stayed at CrossFit because of the fabulous coaches and the community of people I've met. I appreciate the numerous classes offered each day, however 90% of the time I come on weekdays at 9 am!

What's your favorite thing about being a member at Sanitas?

My favorite thing about CrossFit is the variety of workouts and the willingness of the coaches to scale any skill. 

What inspires you about other members in the gym?

As one of the older members at the gym, I'm inspired by people older than me for sure, but also by everyone there because they have made a commitment to themselves to be a better athlete and a better person. 

What are your favorite CrossFit movements? Any you can't stand?

My favorite movements are rowing, wall balls, slam balls, sled push, planks, deadlifts and kettlebell swings. I'm not a big fan of being upside down so I avoid handstands and wall walks. 

What advice do you have for others who are hesitant to get started?

When I tell people I work out at CrossFit, they are frequently surprised and ask if it's really hard and have I gotten injured. I emphatically tell them that because every class is taught/led by a skilled coach, I have never been injured and I always get a great workout. The coaches frequently scale the movements for me. If I can do CrossFit, anyone can!

Has your outlook on why you train changed over time? How has it changed?

As I enter my late 50's I'm very aware that I can't lift as much weight as I'd like and that's okay with me. I'm stronger at 58 than I was at 48 and probably even at 38. I'm stronger at completing everyday home tasks, I'm more confident skiing and hiking and I can hit the golf ball further. 

What do you like to do when you’re not in the gym?

When I'm not at the gym, I enjoy volunteering at Out Boulder County and Immigrant Rights organizations in Colorado and Arizona. Sue and I recently purchased a townhome in Tucson so we are having fun exploring the desert and being one with desert life. I like to play golf, dine out, try to keep us with my young adult sons and travel domestically and internationally. I'm grateful to have CrossFit  Sanitas in my life!


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