Why do the CrossFit Open?


The CrossFit Open starts March 11th. The Open is three weeks when we all come together with different abilities and goals, and we challenge ourselves collectively as part of the Sanitas Team. This year’s Open is truly for everyone with Rx, Scaled, Masters and At-Home options. Our goal is to get 100 people from all different levels participating. Read about the Who, What, When Why below. We’re doing it every Friday anyway, so don’t feel left out and miss out on the fun!


Each year, athletes of all ages and abilities, unite to complete in the worldwide Open. Among them are the Fittest on Earth as well as newbies that just got started. In 2018, 415,000 people competed across 172 countries in the Open. Among them were mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, grandparents, nurses, teachers, busy professionals and more. 



The CrossFit Open is the largest participatory sporting event in the world. The three-week event is held online and unites CrossFitters around the globe. Workout options are:

  • Rx

  • Scaled

  • Masters

  • At-Home (little to no equipment)



The Open starts March 11th and runs every Friday for 3 weeks. 

  • Each Thursday (March 11, 18, and 25) a new Open workout will be announced. That workout will be the WOD for Friday. Friday Night Lights will begin at 2:30p every Friday, with heats running every 30 minutes until close. 

  • Those that are doing the workouts Rx, need to sign up for a heat and judge. We ask that if you need a judge you also stick around to judge another athlete, ideally in the time slot before or after your heat. 

  • Each heat will only have 10 spots to allow for spacing, so please sign up in advance and warm up off to the side. 

  • Submit your score by Monday at 3p each week on games.crossfit.com.  




  1. To See Your Progress. There’s nowhere better to push your limits and see what’s possible. The Open is the best place to test your progress and push you to the next level. During these three weeks we will see more PRs than any other time of year. 

  2. Because You Can Do It. The Open is for everyone, not just the pros. Don’t get hung-up thinking that you’re not ready for the challenge. You will most likely surprise yourself with what you are able to pull off. The Open is designed for you and everyone that loves CrossFit, so don’t miss out on the fun!

  3. To Be a Part of Something Bigger. We’re doing this together as a team Sanitas. We’re asking you to put yourself out there for our community. Don’t get nervous or shy about your performance. We only care that you tried and the only people who should feel bummed about where they rank, are those that didn’t choose to participate but secretly wanted to.

  4. It Gets You Competing Again. Many of us competed as kids, but as adults we have become more afraid to fail. So we avoid the risk of putting ourselves out there. Without that risk, we might not experience the biggest thrills. Get in the game. It’s worth it.

  5. It’s Fun! No, really, it is. Here’s how we’re making it special this year:

    1. We are going to draft teams and scores will be based on how many in each team participated.  

    2. We will have a leaderboard posted up for our top scores in The Open as well, which will be really fun to track for our more competitive athletes. 

    3. Every Friday will be Friday Night Lights with a theme picked by a Coach. You will get extra points for theme costumes, staying after to judge a workout, and prizes for whoever brings the best energy to the gym during the Open.

  6. You’ll Never Know Unless You’re Willing to Go For It. Be open to exploring the best you have to offer right now, in this moment, in this crazy time that we’re all living through. More often than not, you’ll surprise yourself. And there’s no time like the present to find out.


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The CrossFit Open Starts March 11th