Skyline Traverse Hike Recap and photos


One of the greatest things about CrossFit is that it gets you really fit for things you want to do outside of the gym. Last weekend we put that to the test and hiked 12+ miles with about 6000 ft. of elevation gain along the Skyline Traverse! We hiked four of Boulders’s highest peaks: South Boulder Peak, Bear Peak, Green Mountain and Flagstaff Mountain.

The weather and the the views were superb! We took plenty of rest stops along the way, had many great conversations and completed the hike as a team in about 9 hours before making our way to Jungle on Pearl St. for food and drinks. We wouldn’t have been able to do it without the work of some of our members! First, the initial research and planning by one of our members, Steve Hatzis, was key in us being able to properly prepare for this. Secondly, on the day of, Rachel Rea and her husband John graciously led the hike since John, as a training ultra-runner, was very familiar with the trails.

Thank you to these key members and to all the other members who joined us on the trails and later on at Jungle! We look forward to planning another hike soon and hope you can join!

Enjoy the pictures below!


My 3 Key Takeaways from “Atomic Habits” by James Clear


Join us to Hike Boulder’s Skyline Traverse Sept 4th