2021 Health Challenge begins Jan. 11th


Dates: January 11th - February 14th

Prize: 60-min massage + $100 gift card

2020 was a rough year for all of us, and it got many of us off track from our normal, healthy routines. Whether you’re sleeping less, exercising less or having more to drink, we could all use a little reset.

Our focus in this Clean Challenge is on bringing things into your life that enhance it, rather than restricting or taking away. The main points of the Clean Challenge will be:

  • Logging food

  • Logging workouts

  • Being in bed for 8+ hours

  • The Big Ol' Salad

  • Increasing water consumption

Find more details and FAQs here.

Clean Challenge Pricing

Members $50
Non-Members $95

- How to Set Yourself Up for Success -


Step 1: Plan for success

Take time to set your intentions for the Challenge. Lose body fat? Sleep better? Eat take out less? Perform in the gym better? Understanding your intent before the Challenge will help us guide you through the5 weeks to ensure your highest level of success during and after the Challenge.


Step 2: Get your notebook

Every Challenger gets a notebook, where we encourage you to log your daily food, workouts, water and sleep notes. Keep your scorecard in or with the notebook, and you'll have an easy way to keep track of your tasks throughout the Challenge.


Step 3: Do your InBody 570 body composition tests

You each get 2 InBody 570 tests, which we encourage you to use at the beginning and end of the Challenge to see if you're progressing in the right direction (losing fat, building muscle).

For the body composition test, be sure NOT to drink/eat for at least 2 hours prior to testing, and do not workout at all that day before testing. Ideally you will complete this test first thing in the morning.


Step 4: Prep your food

Preparing your meals ahead of time for the week is key in staying on track with the Challenge. Whether you cook on Sunday or split it up into two meal prep days per week doesn't matter, but what matters is having food ready to go. This eliminates things like going grocery shopping hungry, deciding to get take out because there isn't anything prepared, and eating too little.

Choose a day or two that you'll prep, and plan your list. Shop the day before to make things easier, and consider using some of the same ingredients for different dishes to cut down on waste (ex: cilantro).


Step 5: Come to WODs to perform your 3 fitness tests

On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week come to any regularly scheduled WOD, and the fitness tests will be a part of the regular class. If you’re doing this from home, we will have at home workouts available for you!


Step 6: Look out for all emails: recipes, tips + more!

The gym will be sending tons of great information and tools to aid in your success for the challenge. We'll be sending lots of our favorite recipes, info on why we ask you to do certain things, and tips for success.

Step 7: Have fun!

Most importantly, this should be a benefit to your life. It will be a challenge, it may be difficult and inconvenient at times, but it should not be any type of major stressor on your life. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, reach out and talk to one of us or your fellow challengers for support. That’s why you’re doing this with a group!

Want to get in on the 2021 Health Challenge?


Sea Bass with Roasted Garlic Cauliflower & Fennel Apple Salad


Holiday Schedule: Christmas & New Year’s Weeks