Matcha Green Tea Coconut Milk Latte



  • Coconut milk (or milk of your choice)

  • Organic matcha powder

  • Water


  1. Fill half a coffee cup with homemade coconut milk.

  2. Heat in the microwave or stove for 1 minute.

  3. Which 1 tsp of organic matcha powder into the milk. Then fill the cup the rest of the way with almost boiling water.

*Can be made with any type of milk.

**If you want it sweeter, add a drizzle of honey and stir.

Why is matcha so great?

  • 5 times as many antioxidants as any other food and 10 times other green teas.

  • Over 100 times more EGCg than any other tea on the market (EGCgs provide potent anticancer properties).

  • The L-Theanine in matcha enhances memory, concentration and calm.

  • Matcha can support weight loss and fat burning. A study featured in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that consuming matcha green tea can increase thermogenesis (the body’s own rate of burning calories) from a normal 8%-10% of daily energy expenditure, to between 35% and 43% of daily energy expenditure.

  • The polyphenols in matcha are good for your gut.

  • It also tastes great and gives you a nice boost of energy without the jitters.


Sanitas’ Classic Ceviche


Homemade Coconut Milk