Why I Love CrossFit


As the owner of Sanitas, people always ask me what I love about CrossFit. That’s easy… 

  • Coaching: I like being coached. I want to continue improving and learning new things...and everyone benefits from coaching, even Olympians. 

  • Efficient Results: I just have to show up 3-5 hours each week and I will get fitter, faster, stronger. That seems like a small commitment for my health. 

  • Variety: Every day is different so I don’t get bored. Some days are more cardio, some are more strength. Some days are my weaknesses and some are my strengths. The variety keeps me ready for anything.

  • I Just Show Up: I don’t have to plan out what I’m going to do each day of the week. I just show up and a coach tells me what to do.

  • Intensity: There’s nothing like some peer pressure from the rest of my class and the coach to get me going and pushing harder than I ever would on my own. 

  • Last but not least - Community: I workout in the morning and I know most of the faces I see then. I like the conversations and the jokes, I like seeing people’s dogs and kids, and I love the encouragement I get working out with friends. Also, if I miss too many classes, people give me a hard time and keep me accountable.

What do you love about CrossFit?


OUTWOD at Crossfit Sanitas


Member Recognition for May