Winners and Results of the Health Challenge


When Scott came back after 10 months away due to COVID, he told me it was time for a change. He hadn’t really been working on his own, and he had been sitting at home working too much in front of his computer. He decided to come back in January just in time for our Health Challenge. In just 5 weeks of working out consistently and following the Health Challenge, he lost an unbelievable:

  • 6.1% body fat

  • 2.5 inches from his waist

  • 2 inches from his hips

He also had incredible increases in his fitness tests, improving his Power Clean, Back Squat and Push Press by 20, 40, and 30 pounds respectively. He had similarly impressive improvements on his 5k Row and 20min AMRAP tests. What was his secret? He very strictly followed the Health Challenge for 5 weeks with a perfect score for 5 weeks straight:

  • CrossFit 5x weekly

  • Kept a food log daily

  • Ate a big salad every day

  • No alcohol

  • 8+ hours in bed every night

  • Drank at least 40oz of water daily

Scott wins a well-deserved massage and $100 gift card.


Honorable Mention goes to JB Cannifax

JB also had a perfect score for 5 weeks straight, PRed all of his lifts by 10 lbs, and had crazy improvements on his row and 20min AMRAP test.


The Winning Team was Flex Appeal led by Dwight & Faisal

Consistency was the goal of this team and they succeeded. Also, it didn't hurt that they had JB with his perfect score and Julie Barnum's rockstar performance pulling them to victory.


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Giving Back - Emergency Family Assistance Association