The Quarantine 19 Transformation Challenge


We all know how hard it has been to find a consistent routine during quarantine, and we’ve heard from more than a few of you that motivation is hard to come by. Many of you have expressed that you feel out of shape and are maybe even a little nervous to come back into the gym at your current fitness level. This June, we’re going to host The Quarantine 19 Transformation Challenge so we can all get back on track. This challenge is meant to be simple, fun, and help you find a more normal and sustainable routine.

About the challenge:

  1. Anyone can join. We want people to be successful, and we know that having a friend, gym buddy or family member do it with you can keep you accountable and motivated. So invite your people to join in the fun!

  2. Keep a daily food log. We will all log scores to create a greater system of accountability that will help you develop long-lasting habits after the challenge. Logging what you eat each day will help you develop better habits simply because by writing it down, you’re more accountable to yourself.

  3. The goal is consistency and sustainability. This challenge is all about forming or reforming habits that will make each day better than the last. Do you stop exercising because you skipped a day? No, and the same is true for any habit you’re trying to build — working up to eating healthy or being active again takes time, and you won’t lose ground because you had a bad day.

  4. Be active every day. We challenge you to be active every day, even if it’s just a 30min walk. Getting outside and getting sunlight each day has been shown to greatly improve immune system function and overall mood. Committing to a time you can take for yourself to join us for a workout (check out our Zoom schedule!) will help develop accountability and get you back in the swing of things.

Let’s get the entire community in on this fun challenge, along with the members of your individual communities that could benefit from jumping in and doing it alongside you!

How to score the Quarantine 19 Challenge

  1. Exercise: Total of 6 Possible Points in a Day

    • 3 Points | CrossFit Sanitas Workout

      • This can be any of our offerings, including personalized programming from one of our coaches.

    • 2 Points | Steady State Cardio of 30min+

      • This can be easy running, biking, hiking, etc.

    • 1 Point | 30min Walk

      • Walking every day is very beneficial; it improves blood flow, gets you outside and enhances recovery from exercise.

  2. Food Log

    • 5 Points | Logging Food

      • All you need to do is log your food intake in whatever medium you choose: notebook, Google Sheet or Post-Its. You don’t have to follow any specific guidelines. But, by writing down what you eat we guarantee you will make better choices.

  3. The Big Salad

    • 5 Points | Eating 1 Big Salad a Day.

      • To be considered a big salad, at least 80% of the volume must come from leafy green vegetables. The other 20% comes from healthy lean protein and healthy fats like almonds, olive oil, and avocado.

  4. Water

    • 1 Point | Each Liter of Water You Drink/Day

      • We suggest that everyone shoot for 3-5 liters per day.

  5. Sunlight

    • 1 Point | Getting Early Morning Sun (bonus!)

      • Upon waking in the morning spend 10-15min outside. This can be as simple as enjoying your morning cup of coffee out on your porch or as rigorous as going for a sunrise hike up Sanitas (with this option, you get a little 2-for-1 by getting in the early morning sunlight as well as the points for the hike).

  6. Alcohol

    • -5 Points | Drinking Alcohol

      • Alcohol consumption overall has been up during quarantine, and we’re right there with you. This is a great opportunity to curb our alcohol consumption to get the most out of this challenge. You’ll still have great effects from sunlight and exercise even if you end the day with a nightcap, but if you do, you’ll just take 5 points off your total for the day. Simple as that.

Looking to get more in depth for this challenge?

If you’re looking to take your challenge a step further, reach out to us if you’re interested in 1:1 nutrition coaching! We can work in specific macros, calorie counts and a meal plan to greater help you during the Q19 Transformation Challenge.


The Winning Prize

The winner of the challenge will receive one free month of nutrition coaching ($200 value) that will include targeted macro counts for better performance, as well as a food log with specific examples of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Snacks, and Desserts.


COVID & Children


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