Why You Should Take MCT Oil Every Day


MCT, or Medium Chain Triglycerides, are the primary fats found in coconut oil and are some of the healthiest and most beneficial fats found in nature.

The benefits of taking MCT oil every day are so plentiful, there's no reason not to take it! It doesn't even taste bad!

MCT oil...

  • Promotes a healthy digestive system

  • Increases the absorption of existing nutrients in food and your other supplements

  • Has been linked to improved brain function and health

  • Helps reduce inflammation in the body and aid in faster recovery

  • Can help with weight loss and weight management due to the high fat content (15g of saturated fat per tablespoon)

Our favorite brand of MCT oil is made by Caveman Coffee as it's very clean, sustainably produced, is 100% derived from coconuts and doesn't contain any palm oil. We sell it in our Pro Shop because we use it so much and want to share the goodness.

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