Member Spotlight: Chris Ryan

If you’ve attended a 5:30am class anytime in the past year there’s a high likelihood you’ve run into Chris Ryan who is a very consistent attendee. We thought it would be a good idea to catch up with Chris given his interest in lifting heavy and breathing fast before most of us have our morning coffee. So here we go!

Can you tell us about yourself? Hometown, where you work, important people in your life, how you enjoy spending your free time etc. 

I was born in NJ, but moved all around (New Hampshire, Mass, California, New York, Illinois, and now Colorado!).  I work at Apple, Inc, and it will be 23 years in January! I have an amazing wife Christine of 20 years, 4 Kids; Matthew (17), Katelyn (15), Jacob (12), and Charlie (9). I love going to the gym every morning early (so there are no excuses not to go). I like doing outdoor things (since almost all of my life has been spent in front of a computer). I especially love skiing.

How long have you been doing CrossFit and what's your background in sport/fitness/movement prior to that?

I have been doing Crossfit since around 2015. Prior to that, I had lots of attempts at working out on my own, but always had an excuse to ditch out early or go light. I finally got into P90x (which got my pull-ups up pretty high) and eventually found CrossFit.

What initially interested you about CrossFit?

I did a Spartan race and noticed all the parts I struggled with (Rope climbs, box jumps, and AssaultBike/Rowing) that people wearing Crossfit shirts seemed to thrive at. I ran into someone at a party who was starting a new Crossfit gym, so decided to give it a try. I was hooked on being held accountable in a class being surrounded by other people.

You’re a father to 4, how has CrossFit helped you be a more involved parent?

Well, Matthew (17) has been going with me to the gym for the last year at 5:30am, which has been great. Additionally, it has helped me understand the need to motivate my kids to get out and exercise. Mostly they see me just working on a computer all the time, so I need to go the extra mile to get all my kids to understand that exercise is important.

You consistently attend the 530a class. What keeps you motivated to continue to show up and put in the work at that time of day?

It can be tough to get out of bed early at first, but once I am done a class, I know I have accomplished a ton already for the day. There is a clear difference in the way my body feels when I skip the gym versus show up at 5:30 am.. Despite putting in a ton of work early, I am way more energetic throughout the day on days I go to the gym.

What inspires you about other members in the gym?

I love that we can all show up at different levels and just push ourselves and each other.  I love that there are younger people, older people, very in shape, and those that are just starting, and we can all find how we fit in the gym and get a lot out of it.

What are your favorite CrossFit movements? Any you can't stand?

I like powercleans and deadlifts. They are two lifts that I enjoy doing and am not worried about injury on a failure. I do not like doing anything with a snatch grip, as it Is painful on my shoulders (which have both had surgery)

What advice do you have for others who are hesitant to get started?

Scale when needed, always. You will get your best workout with good form at the level you can handle and it is the only way you will safely get stronger.

What do you like to do when you’re not in the gym?

I like to spend time with my family, ski, and do anything else outdoors.


January & February Programming: CrossFit Open Prep


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