June Monthly Focus


We have a couple of big announcements to share with you this month on top of our monthly focus. June packs in tons of fitness, fun, and learning opportunities, so we’re excited to get to work!

  1. Partner and Team WODs are back!  Look for these on Fridays, Saturdays, and/or Sundays throughout the month.

  2. Our focus in June will be “Benchmark Mash-ups”

    • We’re halfway through the year, so it’s time to test our fitness and get a baseline so we can retest and measure our improvement later in the year. 

    • We’ll be doing a combination of classic CrossFit benchmark mash-ups, and some of the 7 new CrossFit benchmarks. We will also be testing our fitness with more two-part workouts. Don’t get stuck on the idea of strength + metcon (that was last month’s focus). Instead, think about metcon + skill tests (gymnastics, strength, etc.), or cardio time trials + strength tests.

    • You will begin to see workouts named by date so the benchmark days stand out more as opportunities for you to track your fitness through logging scores in Wodify. 

So that’s the 10,000 ft view, but what does the weekly programming look like? Let’s take this week as an example. We started off with Murph, one of the highest volume and longest workouts we program. Even for those who prepared, Murph would require some recovery and programming adjustments so the two days following aimed to reduce the intensity, and focused on movement patterns that avoid some of the soreness created by Murph. 

So if some days seem harder than others, that’s intentional. Remember to rest and scale based on your overall fatigue and soreness. Continually showing up when you're beaten up doesn’t help, and it will actually slow your improvement and increase your chance of injury. Sometimes getting the most out of class and your training means doing a little bit less. So listen to your body.


Member Recognition for May


MURPH at Sanitas