How Alycia Found Her Fitness and Got Off Her Meds

CrossFit Sanitas changed my life in 365 days! After one year of attending and reflecting back… I am amazed at the positive change it has had on my health, strength, mobility, and mentality in a rather short amount of time. It was a hard road, though...

"A desperate measure to not be so 'fat'."


I was rather athletic in middle and high school. I was involved in softball, tennis, weightlifting, and ran sprints in track. I was also on the chunky side, which of course, I got made fun over. I consistently won at the 100m dash and out-lifted all the girls (and even some of the guys) in the weightlifting class but I still wanted to be thin and I developed bulimia/under-eating as a desperate measure to not be so “fat”.

Fast forward 20-25 years, I weighed anywhere from 170-190 lbs, had high blood pressure, chronic acid reflux, and barely moved my body. Asthma, obesity, lack of fitness and physical illness discouraged me when I would attempt to be active, as I would get winded almost immediately and felt like crap all the time.

"It took 25 years to do the damage...undoing it was going to be a monumental task."

I decided I needed to make a change and accepted that it would not be easy. It took 25 years to do the damage, so I knew that undoing it was going to be a monumental task, but I wanted to do it.

In August of 2017, my weight peaked at 198# and my gall bladder gave out due to a large amount of cholesterol stones that had formed over who knows how long. I got myself some counseling to address my issues of anxiety, under-eating and my inability to deal with stress in a healthy way.

Over the next nine months, I had managed to lose 20 pounds on my own thanks, in part, to being healthier emotionally. On the flip side, I still had high blood pressure (150s/upper 90s) despite being on medication, and a rapid resting pulse rate (90-100bpm).

In March of 2018, I had a near fatal incident after a blood clot worked its way into my chest. Had I not become more aware of my health, I would have ignored the symptoms, blown it off (as I had done in the past) and likely died had the clot got into my heart. This scared the s**t out of me and I realized that I needed something more. I started searching for gyms/fitness centers that had structured programs that I could join.

I attended a free class at CrossFit Sanitas on April 19, 2018 to check it all out and aid me in my decision. The class kicked my ass and I left shaking and exhausted, but felt a good vibe from it all at the same time.

"My body is now doing what I had once thought as the impossible."


One year later; I have lost 20 more pounds, my body fat has decreased by over 10%, I’ve gained 5 pounds of muscle, and I no longer have to take blood pressure or acid reflux meds! My blood pressure (without meds) is now around 100/60 and my resting heart rate is now in the mid-60s, down from the almost 100bpm a year ago. I went from deadlifting 100 pounds in October to 210 pounds last week, and I can run 400m fairly easily when I could barely finish a 100m run a year ago.

I’ve had lots of what may seem like small successes, too — jumping onto a box (8” step-ups to jumping onto 16” boxes), wall-assisted handstands, and even band-assisted pull-ups! Again, these successes may seem small to many, but they are huge successes for me, as my body is now doing what I had once thought as the impossible.

I feel so lucky to have found CrossFit Sanitas and their awesome coaches. I can never thank all of them enough for helping me make it happen. The other athletes have also been very supportive and I love the family-like environment that exists.

"April 19, 2018 was when a “new me” was born."

On April 19, 2019 I came in for a workout to celebrate my 1 year anniversary of CrossFit. However, I call it my birthday, as CrossFit has really changed my life in so many ways for the better. Basically, April 19, 2018 was when a “new me” was born.

For anyone wanting to try CrossFit or is new to the sport: it works! You just have to commit, be patient with yourself (it takes the body time to adjust to the changes made), listen to the coaches, and live a healthy lifestyle. I can honestly say that starting CrossFit has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I love the workouts, (even when they kick my ass) and I always leave wanting more. I’m still working on eating enough to support my new energy level, but it's a lot better.

What will this next year bring? My goals are to be able to do a strict pull-up without bands and handstand walk. Outside of those, my other focus is to keep on doing what I have been doing and always improving. We shall see what the next year brings!

Want to try CrossFit and find your own version of Alycia's story? 


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