First CrossFit Sanitas Clean Challenge

The first-ever CrossFit Sanitas Clean 30 Challenge ended with a bang last week! Between the amazing food provided by all of you as well as Craig Taber from Locavore Delivery, the insane Bro-Off, Row-Off and all the success stories being shared, it was an all-around fun and inspiring month.

Winning Clean 30 Team

Coach Trish's team took away the Golden Dumbbells and 15-minute massages for having the highest overall average score at the end of the month. They cut out the beer, bread, milk and pasta, and worked their butts off all month in their CrossFit workouts to cut fat, build muscle and become healthier on the outside and inside.

Winning Individual

Noah "Man Candy" Sussman really went diehard over this last month. Not only did he cut over 7% body fat, but he feels stronger mentally, and is really dedicating himself to improving his life through CrossFit and nutrition. Noah also walked away from the challenge with a free 1-hour personal training session and a free month of BaseCamp to give to a friend. He was kind enough to give it to his sister, Emily.

And although there could only be one winner, Keri Signoracci had the highest score among the women for the challenge. She's been incredibly active here since she finished BaseCamp at the end of February and has been making such great progress. Nice work, Keri!!


Bro-Off, Row-Off

Dwight Upshaw, our resident rowing professional, had his title for the fastest 2k rowing time challenged by Coach Kevin last week — Kevin missed it by 1 second. After that, we decided to do a public row-off at the BBQ over the weekend to redo the challenge right. Member James Powlan wanted in and it became a 3-way challenge for the fasted 2K row. 

Overall, experience gave Dwight the upper hand and he not only won, but he beat his former best time by 10 seconds. Kevin and James both crushed their old records and went sub 7 minutes...NICE WORK!

Share Your Success Story

It's been a great month of success stories and we want to hear yours. Mel S. improved her fitness test time by 1:18 seconds; Michelle H. improved hers by over 2:00 minutes; and Coup and Jeff F. each improved their times by over 3:00 minutes! Overall as a gym we burned an average of 3% body fat and improved fitness times by 56 seconds. 

Keep up the hard work, everyone and please share your success stories with us at or on our Facebook page.  We're going to run another clean eating challenge in September.  Please let us know if you have any feedback to improve the process by emailing  

To meet with a coach about nutrition, click below.



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