Fasting Vs. Protein Consumption

Over the past five years, as the benefits of fasting have hit the popular press, many of us have experimented with adding it into our routines.

Yet, while fasting has many benefits, including intracellular repair and weight loss, it comes at the expense of protein consumption, since it is very hard to consume enough protein in a time-restricted feeding window.  Most of us, even CrossFitters, don't get enough protein, which Dr Peter Attia (probably the best-researched, most highly-regarded and most expensive concierge doctor in the world) argues is 1 gram per pound daily.  Note that Attia's recommendation is considerably more protein than most other sources recommend.

In particular, argues Attia, the leaner you are and the older you are, the more important it is to focus on building and maintaining muscle mass, and thus fasting should take a back seat to this.  

Since digesting this podcast, I have personally reduced my fasting somewhat and have worked to consciously increase my protein consumption.  That said, I'm finding it quite challenging to consume 165 grams of protein per day, so this is definitely a work in progress!

Here is a link to a brief summary podcast on this topic.  


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