Crossover Symmetry for Shoulder Health

You've probably noticed the Crossover Symmetry bands on the wall.  Crossover Symmetry is a program created by a physical therapist to strengthen your shoulder and increase mobility.  It was born out of the baseball industry where shoulder health is paramount. Proven on the field and in clinical settings, Crossover Symmetry is currently being used by professional athletes in the MLB, NFL, NBA, NHL and over 75% of major NCAA Division-1 universities.

We currently have five stations available for our members. Matt has created the following video to lead you through the basics of using this new program on your own. The system is practical, structured and efficient, making it easy for athletes to complete on a daily basis before or after a WOD. Improving shoulder strength and mobility will help with pull-ups, push-ups, toes-to-bar, snatch, push press and really anything overhead.

Check out the crossover symmetry website below!


Acupuncture at CrossFit Sanitas


Signs of High Cortisol Levels