CrossFit Open 2023: Your Guide

The CrossFit Open is a three-week long, worldwide competition where anyone - regardless of fitness level or ability - can participate!

There will be 3 workouts, one released each Thursday and completed in the gym on Friday. The workouts will be similar to the ones you do every day when you come to the gym already. So what’s so special? Why should you participate? Let me explain about the “magic” of the CrossFit Open…

The “magic” I refer to is what happens in that moment where you surprise yourself, either with your fitness or your mental fortitude. It happens when we rally together to support each other and it happens when the person who finishes last gets the loudest cheering section of all. It’s the magic in our shared experience in pursuit of becoming more capable human beings. We do CrossFit to be able to enjoy the things in life that give our lives purpose and the CrossFit Open is a celebration of our profound abilities as human beings.

For those three weeks we will not have a 3pm class.

Instead, starting at 4pm we will run “heats” that will run periodically through the afternoon and evening. Heats, just like a class, will have a designated coach that will brief the workout, take you through a proper warm-up, help you scale appropriately and do your best!

On Friday Feb 17th, Feb 24th and March 3rd we will complete the workouts in classes through the day, but what we really want is for you to attend our Friday Night Lights events at 4pm each of those 3 weeks. That is when we’ll create the “magic” through our support for each other and through our shared experience. We promise you, these are events you won’t want to miss, regardless of your participation!


Lululemon Raffle Winners


January & February Programming: CrossFit Open Prep