Core Training for PR's and Bigger Gains

Understanding the basics of core training will help you achieve PR’s and bigger gains. The core refers to more than just the abs. It encompasses the entire musculature of the torso, including the shoulders, scapula, abdominals, obliques, erectores, glutes, hip flexors, adductors and more. The core is responsible for transmitting forces from the upper body to the lower body. A strong core is the ability to resist flexion. A strong powerful core is needed to stabilize the body during heavy lifting and explosive movements.


The goal is to build a strong powerful core. The emphasis is on producing power and resisting spinal flexion and extension under heavy loads.  Most workouts can be done in under 5 mins, before a class or after 3X a week. If you need assistance with scaling any of these workouts, just ask a coach!

Workout 1

  • 2 min plank

  • rest 1 min

  • 90 sec plank

  • rest 1 min

  • 60 sec plank

  • add weight if this is easy rather than hold for more time

Workout 2

  • 3 rounds for quality, 10-15 reps each

    • Hip Extension on the GHD

    • Bar Roll out

Workout 3

  • 60 toes to bar for time

Workout 4

  • Sumo stance banded anti rotation holds

  • 3 sets of 10-20 secs on each side

Workout 5

  • 5X 20 ab mat sit ups

  • rest 30 sec between sets

Workout 6

  • Accumulate 2 min L sits/hang

Workout 7

  • 1 min plank

  • 45 sec right side plank

  • 45 sec left side plank

  • 45 sec plank

  • 30 sec right side plank

  • 30 sec left side plank

  • 30 sec plank

Workout 8

  • 3 rounds for time

    • 10 toes to bar

    • 15 hollow rocks

    • 20 sit ups

Workout 9

  • 3 rounds for time of

    • 15 hip extensions on GHD

    • 15 toes to bar

Workout 10

  • 3 rounds for quality

    • 12 Med Ball figure 8’s

    • 1 min super man holds

Workout 11

  • 1 min plank

  • 30 sec plank with right arm up

  • 30 sec plank with left leg up

  • 30 sec plank with right leg up

  • 30 sec plank with left arm up

  • 1 min plank

Workout 12

  • 3 rounds for quality

    • 15 reverse hypers

    • 15 ab mat sit ups

Workout 13

  • 3 rounds for time

    • 10 knees to elbow

    • 20 ab mat sit ups

Workout 14

  • 3 rounds for quality

    • 10 overhead squats with empty barbell

    • 20 ab mat sit ups

Workout 15

  • 3 rounds for quality

    • 15 Banded Glute bridge

    • 15  med ball V ups

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