Are You Eating Right to Gain or Lose Weight Fast


Medical studies prove that the best way to improve your diet is to track the foods you eat. That holds true if you're trying to lose a lot of weight, trim off a little excess body fat, add muscle, or eat for sports performance. In fact, medical studies about weight loss, show that keeping a food journal DOUBLES your results!

I tracked my food and macros for one week and found that I was eating way too much fat and not enough protein. I also noticed that while I was tracking my food, I was much less likely to eat something that was unhealthy. I didn't want to have to write it down and watch it throw my macros balance way off. It was also really interesting to see just how many fat, carb and protein grams were in the foods I commonly ate.

The Best Tool

We think this is essential to understanding your nutrition, so for this Clean Challenge we're adding 50 points to anyone that tracks their food on Here's why:

  • It's free if you just want to track your calories. If you want to track your carbs, fats and proteins as well, the price is $10/month or $50/year.

  • I was really surprised to see that almost all of the foods I eat were in there. They have more than 5 million foods in their database.

  • You can also add recipes and remembers what you've eaten and done most often in the past, and makes it easy for you to add those foods again to your log. So the more meals you track, the easier it becomes.

  • You can access on your computer or on your phone.

So now for the big many calories, carbs, fats, etc. am I supposed to eat daily? For more on that click here.

Here's What the Paid Version Looks Like

The free version is great to simply track calories, but for just $10/mo, it's definitely worth it!


Interested in nutrition coaching?


How to calculate the right macros for you


Goal Setting!