The Weekly Preview *and Just that (06/22/20-06/28/20)

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Hey all,

Going back to more of just the preview and weekly overlook , the exact workouts will now be posted on the blog at 6:30pm the night before, so that you can see it here first. Then our class signups and WOD will show up on Wodify at 7:30pm for you all.


Front Squat Tempo Work. Remember best way to get abs. Load up that front squat and work on stability. Then we will move into a conditioning piece with Thrusters, Weighted Sit-ups, and running!


Today is a little different style. We are going to be doing 3 rounds for time of 4 different movements for 3 sets and changing the order that you do the movements on each set. We have KB Cleans, Push-Ups, Box Jumps and Double Unders to work through. Expect the work to rest ratio to be in the range of 3:2 or 4:1. Depending on your skill and conditioning level.


A little Snatch specific work to start off the day and then a fun out and back chipper for all you who love chippers. We will be doing Alternating DB Snatch, Ring Rows, and Rowing, so lots of pulling today on the agenda.


Overhead Strength work to start the day with some Z-Press volume work along with a max lockout hold on last rep of each set!!

Then we will be moving into a classic triplet in the 10min time domain! Sumo Deadlift High Pulls , Toes to Bar, and Burpees.


Squat Cleans and Back Squats! Putting in that strength work today. What more could you ask for?


Aerobic Capacity work with rowing, handstand push-ups, running and burpee box jumps. Workout will be in the 30-40min time range with rest included in that.


Pull-Up Strength work along with a body building style conditioning effort. Floor presses, bent rows, and double unders!


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