New Class Schedule, RX+ What to Expect
Based on your survey responses we recently shared we are making some changes that you may have already begun to notice. On the scheduling side, we asked if you would prefer an 11:30, 12 or 12:30 class and overwhelmingly the responses were for a 12pm class, now to be referred to as “The Nooner”. This larger, higher energy midday class will also allow us to add another hour of open gym for you through the middle of the day. Additionally, the 8:15am class will now take place M-F at 8am
We’re very excited to announce that we’ll be adding an RX+ class three days per week on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 6:30pm and on Saturdays at 11am. The RX+ class will do the class WOD but it will be fast tracked. This class will be coach led. Athletes attending this class should be prepared to move with purpose and have the experience and capacity for extra lifting, skill or cardio components as well. And if it’s the only time you are able to make it to class that day and you would prefer to leave following the WOD you are welcome to do that and not stay for the extra pieces.
And lastly, a note on open gym. We want to offer all of you the flexibility to train whenever you can because we fully support your athletic growth. However, we need to balance that support with our goal of making the class WOD the best possible experience for the largest number of people. Dropped barbells or rowing intervals can be distracting to the coach and class when briefing the WOD or reviewing a movement progression. To that end, please continue to check with the coach on the floor before beginning an open gym workout. Your coaches prepare daily class plans with timelines so they can tell you exactly when they plan to start the WOD and turn the music up, so you can crush your open gym WOD too, just on a similar timeline.
And for all of you visual learners, here’s our average class attendance the past 4 weeks and the upcoming schedule changes which will take effect Monday June 28.
Average Class Attendance, 4 Week Period May 24-June 21 (tall blue lines are “Murph”)
New Schedule Starting Monday June 28