2023 Spring Health Challenge begins April 10th

Dates: April 10th - May 26th

Prize for the Most Points: 1 Free Month Unlimited Membership

Spring is a great time for a health reset that gets you back on track in time for summer. Whether you’re exercising less, eating poorly, sleeping less, or drinking more alcohol than you’d like, we could all use a little accountability to form some better habits and make time to really focus on our health.

You’ll be working with our Nutritionist, Nashley Banister, to focus on tracking the top 4 things that have the greatest impact on our health. Sometimes you don’t even know why you feel off until you start tracking your habits.

Clean Challenge Pricing

Members $245

Nashley has been an athlete all her life and has a masters in Nutrition Science. Before finding CrossFit, Nashley was a personal trainer and professional dancer performing with Concert Dance Inc. Now she is hooked on CrossFit and her passion is helping others improve their long-term nutrition and lifestyle habits.


  • MS Chemistry in Nutrition Sciences

  • National Academy of Sports Medicine Certification

  • Certified Personal Trainer and Weight Loss Specialist

This challenge will end right before our MURPH and Bolder Boulder events, so you’ll be in peak shape to really push yourself and get off to a great start this summer.

We’ll be tracking the following:

  • FOOD: What and when you’re eating - are you eating balanced meals on a schedule that are keeping your blood sugar steady throughout the day and supporting your workouts

    • Are you limiting processed sugar, fried food and bad oils?

  • EXERCISE: Logging workouts - are you being consistent with your workouts?

  • SLEEP: Tracking time in bed without your phone/TV - are you in bed for 7+ hours nightly to support your brain health, recovery and lower cravings.

  • HYDRATION: Are you staying hydrated by drinking half your weight in ounces of water?

What's included:

  • 4 sessions with Nashley (intake and week 6 sessions need to be in person, the others can be over zoom or phone):

    • 45-60 min intake session

      • What are you eating and when, sugar, alcohol, sleep, workout habits and recovery

      • Discuss goals

      • Nashley will provide a meal plan structure to follow and recipes

    • 15 mins after week 1 for questions and tweaks

    • 15 mins after week 3 for a midpoint check-in

    • 30 mins during week 6 for recheck, questions and next steps

  • Before & After Composition Testing:

    • InBody body composition scans - $80 value that gives you an objective baseline

    • Caliper measurements

    • Waist Circumference (WC) with a tape measure at the belly button

    • Front and Right-side-view pictures

  • Nashley will review your food log each week and write you comments. What typically works best is if you upload photos of what you’re eating throughout the day during the first 1-2 weeks so that she can look at your portions (even if it’s just a few M&Ms). After that, you you can write meals and snacks in a google doc for easier tracking that gives you a broader view of how you’re eating throughout the week.

  • 3 workouts that will test your strength and conditioning. We will retest again in week 6 of the challenge, so you can see your progresss after consistent exercise

  • Earn up to 12 pts/day and 84 pts/week + any bonus opportunities. Here’s how the points will work on your scorecard:

    • Nutrition: keep a log of everything you eat, drink, and snack

      • Eat 3 balanced meals and 2 snacks (try to do this on a consistent schedule). This is the best way to keep your blood sugar steady throughout the day and allow your body to shed unwanted fat and build strong muscle. (5 pts: 3 meals + 2 snacks).

      • Abstain from alcohol (1pt/day)

      • Abstain from processed sugars/desserts (1pt/day). This will be at Nashley’s discretion to decide what is a dessert and what is not

      • Abstain from anything fried (1pt/day)

        • Even ‘healthy’ foods that are prepared fried

        • Air-fried is acceptable

    • Workouts: (max for 14 pts/wk) “more is not always better”

      1. (1) CrossFit workout in class (2pts/day) max 10 pts/wkly. Try to take two recovery days, this will allow for the greatest progress in your health. Must sign in at Sanitas to receive credit for this.

      2. (2) Non-CrossFit-style workout, running, yoga, hiking etc. (2pt/day) max 4 points weekly. This can be active recovery.

    • Hydration: half body weight (pounds) in fl oz (1 pts/day). For example, a 100-pound participant needs at least 50 fl oz of water daily.

    • Sleep: at least 7 quiet hours daily in-bed with the lights out) ... develop good sleep hygiene (1 pts). An Oura ring, Whoop, or a sleep app would be helpful here.

  • Support emails with helpful articles and recipes delivered to your inbox every few days!

  • Scorecard to keep you motivated and on track (tallied weekly)

  • Chance to win $FREE Unlimited Month at CrossFit Sanitas

Signup through the link above!

- How to test Set Yourself Up for Success -

Step 1: Plan for success

Take time to set your intentions for the Challenge. Lose body fat? Sleep better? Eat take out less? Perform in the gym better? Understanding your intent before the Challenge will help us guide you through the5 weeks to ensure your highest level of success during and after the Challenge.

Step 2: Schedule your intake and fill out your survey

Meet with Nashley to get off to a great start getting your baseline set and learning about the nutrition that would be best for your goals. You’ll get some recipes and tips and together you’ll figure out a plan for logging your food.

You each get 2 InBody 570 tests, that will give you a baseline and 6 weeks later show your progress (losing fat or building muscle). Be sure NOT to drink/eat for at least 2 hours prior to testing, and do not workout at all that day before testing. Ideally you will complete this test first thing in the morning.

Step 3: Prep your food

Preparing your meals ahead of time for the week is key in staying on track with the Challenge. Whether you cook on Sunday or split it up into two meal prep days per week doesn't matter, but what matters is having food ready to go. This eliminates things like going grocery shopping hungry, deciding to get take out because there isn't anything prepared, and eating too little.

Choose a day or two that you'll prep, and plan your list. Shop the day before to make things easier, and consider using some of the same ingredients for different dishes to cut down on waste (ex: cilantro).

Step 4: Come to WODs to perform your 3 fitness tests

We have 3 tests that will set a baseline for your fitness - engine, strength and endurance. We will retest those same workouts on MWF during final week of the challenge. Come to any regularly scheduled WOD, and the fitness tests will be a part of the regular class on those days.

Step 5: Look out for all emails: recipes, tips + more!

We will be sending tons of great information and tools to aid in your success for the challenge. You’ll get new recipes to try, info on why we ask you to do certain things, and tips for success.

Step 6: Have fun!

Most importantly, this should be a benefit to your life. It will be a challenge, it may be difficult and inconvenient at times, but it should not be any type of major stressor on your life. If you begin to feel overwhelmed, reach out to Nashley.

Want to get in on the 2023 Spring Health Challenge?


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